Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year Nostalgia

 All day of the 31st, I sat around the house, knowing I had no real plans for the New Year’s Eve holiday. I have also had an extremely rough emotional weekend leading up to this New Year.
 But as I sit back and allow this day to continue to pass by as all days do, I am able to truly see how amazing this day can be.

I have received several invitations of love to help me pass into this New Year without being alone, but I have gratefully declined, choosing instead to “sit this one out”. My past normal would be a thrown-together party that my ex and I would have at our house. It went from themed, to no theme, and Rock band, to karaoke with great friends.

Although I must say I have felt a little down because of my lack of setting plans, I still wanted to just “be”.  I wanted to not go out, just to go, and wasn’t really feeling like talking to lots of people. So I stayed home.

As I made lists of things I needed to accomplish this week, and paid bills online, it was one minute until 12 am. My wonderful mother was there with me because my dad is an “early to bed, early to rise” kind-of-guy. She had sparkling grape juice with cheese, grapes, and crackers prepared to ring in the stroke of midnight. I thought it kind of cute, silly, and entertaining, but then I thought about how thoughtful she was and how – in the midst of a terrible 2012, and a rainy boring night- she decided to bring joy to the night with small “happies” to encourage an amazing 2013.

This then had me all excited about the New Year, but also the moment. Here, on a rainy night of one of the worst weekends of the worst year, I had hope and the choice of joy. The New Year nostalgia was now there. The sweet feel of hope for the upcoming year and the enjoyment of the moment with my amazing mother, friends who are wishing me well in the New Year through calls and texts, and the music playing full of life and love

I’m so happy for my moment of nostalgia tonight and I am thankful for the reminder that joy comes in the morning! Happy New Year Everyone! It’s definitely going to be a year filled with “new”.

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