About Me

Well, my name is Sarah. I was born and raised in rural West Tennessee.  I was born in December, 1986 and so, that makes me 28. I am the eldest daughter to a nondenominational Pastor and his lovely wife, my mother. Being the first-born allowed me my share of those first-born qualities that first-borns are so well known for. I like to think that I am driven and determined. I am a strong-willed, independent leader, but I enjoy new adventures, having a great time, and being a safe haven for friends and family. 

I like making new friends, but typically only keep a few close ones, and I would not know what to do without them. I hope to eventually get back into my degree area- Master’s in Education for School Counseling-  because I  LOVE it!!! May not be the thing right now, but I know that is where I will be soon enough. After taking a couple years off from school after my undergrad, I felt the Lord was really encouraging me to pursue the desires of my heart, in working with students to pursue their goals, dreams, and the future lives they wish to have while working through their present issues or doubts.

As you may already know, I am divorced (as of 2012) and started writing for emotional release, and because I feel lead to share my story, along with my struggles as I have gone through
and continue to go through the process of healing, growing, and living the life of a "Single Lady" in a new place. I also feel that there is a need for a voice for those, who like me, find themselves in their twenties and dealing with divorce, moving out, landing a job, deciding on children or not, and finding the spouse the Lord has for them. It is a scary and exciting time for me and others who may be able to relate to my story. 

I just hope that I can become the woman the Lord has created to me and this His beauty can rise through my ashes. Even as times may be temporary, it is for such a time that I will be hopeful and enjoy!

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