Monday, January 14, 2013


You know that feeling you get when you get see someone you absolutely love to death that you haven’t seen in a while?
Isn’t it great!?

I have been able to have this wonderful feeling a few times this past week. One was a catch-up lunch after missing from each other’s world during the holidays. A second time was a surprise hello and hug with some great conversation, and then finally with out-of-town friends. These friends welcomed me into their home to stay for the week after asking about taking a trip to visit. Seeing these special friends puts me in a wonderful, comforting place full of love, variety, and sweet moments. 

I know that with all my close friends there is a security that I have in knowing that they love me for me. They love me through my mistakes, relationship drama, times when I am not a great friend, and my journey through life. With good friends in your life it makes living a whole lot more doable. This makes me think about friendships in general and how there are just some that are irreplaceable. Each friendship is different, but yet has a significant place and value in life. Without one of my friends in particular, I might feel more “un-normal”. With another I am able to see life more positively, and another has a gift of encouragement. There is the friend who holds you steady through a rough time and a friend who gives you the confidence to make it through another life step. I am so thankful for the many wonderful people God has placed in my life. They are people who love me and invest in me. Great friends truly are the family that we get to choose for ourselves!

Think about life. Are there friends in it who you couldn’t live without? Have you told them how much you appreciate them? Are there acquaintances that you wish could be closer? Begin to develop that friendship-it takes time. Are there even those people who are in and out of your life, maybe for a particular moment, or even throughout? Think about the lessons you may be learning from those individuals and how they can positively impact you and visa versa. It’s important to surround ourselves with good friends who can encourage, love, hold accountable, and share life.

Don’t forget to tell the people in your life how important they are to you. Make time to share a cupcake, do a lunch date, or even just talk on the phone for a few minutes. Whatever it is....make time for these God-given friendships. 

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