Saturday, January 5, 2013

The Next "One"

 How do you know when you are ready for a new relationship? This is something that I was so worried about as a teenager, and then after my divorce, as a 25 year old. I had just gotten divorced from a 9 year relationship, and was stressing over the next “one”. It seems so silly now (6 months later), but at the time, I just wondered how I would know when I was ready or how I would know whom the right one would be. Would there even be a right one?

Because of my personality, I just like the idea of knowing and having a “plan”, or at least a security of thinking I know. Many of you might relate. While others of you may never worry about tomorrow. I wish I could be more like you all at times. I know that marriage is something I want and I believe it is something Christ wants for me again, but it will come at His perfect time.

He has showed me that there is no need to rush because of thoughts going through my head such as: “I am getting older, what about kids?” “My friends think I need to get back out there.” “Will I be the odd ball out?”

But do you know what? It doesn’t really matter.

God wants me to be full of Him and then when I am at the perfect place He will place that special someone in my life- and I will be ready. I thought I was ready while getting to know a really good guy recently and realized all of the sudden that I was absolutely not. It wasn’t something this guy had done or not done, but something I realized about myself. This overwhelming feeling of “oh my goodness, I can’t do this!” hit me and I realized that I don’t want to have to, actually can’t, care about a guy’s emotions, fears, or heart at the moment. Although this sounds horrible, I realized it was true. I am not ready to be someone’s love because I am not ready to love a man the way he would deserve. My heart is still being worked on and healed and I will continue to carry on with the process in order to present my future love my whole heart and love him as Christ calls us to love.

As far as dating goes.....well let’s just say that I am not looking to date any time soon, but will continue to date my “Jesus” until He sends along the right man!

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