Wednesday, January 2, 2013

One Year From Now

                                     Describe the woman you want to be spiritually in one year.

I was reading A Woman After God’s Own Heart by Elizabeth George and the chapters I was reading were about prayer, and quiet times with God. Although there are many things that could be shared, there was one particular paragraph that grabbed my heart. It was this section of her book:

Dream of being a woman after God’s heart! – Motivation is key when it comes to nurturing a heart of devotion, and dreaming helps motivate us. As a wake-up call to the seriousness of daily life and to find fresh urgency about your walk with the Lord, describe the woman you want to be spiritually in one year.
Let your answer put wings on your dreams.

So this prompted me to think. What kind of woman do I hope to be in a year, but not only in a “worldly” sort of way, but the kind of woman I want to be spiritually. I am in the middle of so many changes and choices that I may not be able to fully grasp or know, but one thing I have control over is how my spirit grows and deepens in the Lord.

In one year, the kind of woman I want to spiritually be would be someone who has an open heart for the concerns of others. She would be devoted to her personal time with her savior and making no excuses for a lack of time with Him. I hope that in one year, I will have many praise reports of God’s grace, mercy, and guidance, and how it has been shown in real ways in my life. In one year, I hope that I am in the place of worship that I know God has called me to be, and doing it with a broken and contrite spirit before Him. I hope that I am able to touch lives around me in a way that can only be explained by God and the hope that He gives me.

Take the time and think about and describe the woman you want to be spiritually in one year. 

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