Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Divorce Recovery

 Two weeks after my divorce papers were signed, I was on myway home from an out-of-state trip from spending time with some of my bestfriends. As I came through town, a local church had their sign to display that they would be starting a Divorce Recovery class on Thursday nights. I was not a member of this church but had heard great things about it and since a graduateclass I was planning on taking had been moved to the Memphis campus, I had a schedule change that would allow me to go. When I decided to go-that was one step. Getting out of my car to walk in-a whole different ballgame. From encouragement from my mom and my friend Laura, I decided to walk in and put my pride away. 

I was met by two of the sweetest people I have ever known. They soon became very important vessels that would speak into my life and help me through this process, without feeling weird! I also met a small group of individuals who were willing to share their grief, loss, and tears with thegroup in order to help everyone. The curriculum used was Divorce Care. http://www.divorcecare.org 

We are now wrapping up the final couple of sessions of this course, and I am so thankful that the opportunity was available to be a part of this group and the lives of those in it.

I encourage anyone who has recently gone through a divorce, about to start the process, or even just in a separation to connect with others going through the same things. This will provide support and encouragement to you, even if you didn’t think you needed it. This link will give you more information about the particular curriculum/study used and how to find a local group for you to be a part of. 

I challenge you to reach out to others of the same gender, who are going through a similar situation and know that it is ok to be right where you are. The important thing is complete healing of your heart and your soul. 

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