Saturday, December 22, 2012

Beautiful Creatures

This past week I spent some time out of town with my family, visiting extended family for my grandparents' anniversary party. During this time us girls decided to take a fun day and go to the aquarium in Gatlinburg. During this trip there were tons of creatures to see and admire. From "nemos" to sharks, and seahorses, and crabs- with everything in between. As I saw each magnificent sea creature I couldn't help but be reminded of how good my God was. The small details of a seahorse to the great size and mobility of a stingray were all put perfectly together to benefit that creature for its created purpose. He created each creature to look and be completely different from one another. The same applies to us. We are all created differently, with details and vastness that make us individually us.We are created for the purpose He has in mind.
It reminds me to keep my head up, because I am a creature of God. He took interest in my every detail.  As we can read in Psalm 139:13:
"You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb." (NLT)

God knows the purpose He has for us and the life events that will and have shaped us....... because He made us. God can, and will, take those "inner parts" of who we are and join it together with the experiences we have faced and use them to allow us to be all we can be.

I am so thankful that I am a beautiful creature of God and I hope you know that you are too! Don't forget how special you are!

1 comment:

  1. You made me smile!! Thanks for the beautiful words of encouragement. Love Mom
