Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Warmth of Consistency

There is a train that goes through town almost every night between 9:30 and 10:00pm. Having moved to a house that is in town in March, the sound of the train is something that is new and unique for me to “experience”. There are a few things that came to the front of my thoughts when I first heard it. The first thought was one I quickly threw away, as it was a Criminal Minds replay of a serial killer jumping off at this little town.... lol....but then the second thing that came to mind after a few weeks of hearing the train, was the warmth of its consistency.

I found myself enjoying hearing the train horn blowing and the sound of the train on the tracks every night. It was almost as if it was the one thing I knew could be expected in the day. In a weird way it gave me a comfort. Almost as if knowing that I am ok, still here, life is going on day after day, and that there is a time and a place for everything- much like the schedule and route of the train.

There are so many things in my life, and in all of our lives that come and things that are uncertain, but there are also new steps ahead, and hopes for those stages of life. I hope to remember that all things will work together for good, and that my God is faithful.

Much like the train, God is consistently there; He has a plan and a purpose for my life and wants me to be comforted in knowing that He will show up at the perfect time and provide that security and sense of warmth along the journey. We are so blessed to have this gift. Go on about your life, knowing that there is a purpose and plan, but while on the journey, a warmth and confidence in knowing that He is constant. 

1 comment:

  1. He is constant, no matter how life is. Thanks for the reminder. Love, mom.
