Tuesday, July 23, 2013


This post goes out to all my friends -past and present.

I want to say that this post is not about marriage, lost friendships, or on bringing up the past. It is about phases of life, the love of friends, and the past that has been lived; bringing me to the place that I am today.

As a child and teen, I was blessed with MANY great friends!! I had so many good times, long conversations, nights over, genuine laughs and cherished memories. As a teenager, there were tons of weekends planned, church nights that continued long after service was over, and fast food meals that became the “family dinner table”. I had such a love and appreciation for the friendships that were in my life because they meant so much to me, poured love and life into me, and gave me memories that I still think about. Those years were truly some of the best!

At the age of 19 I got married, and let’s just say that things changed a little. I wanted to be a good wife, and figure out how to best do so. I also was a college student, children’s church leader, helping with the family business, and then trying to make sure I kept my friends around. I know I didn’t do all that I should have to keep my friends close and stay involved in their lives. I didn’t even realize it at the time and although some did back off because we were “the married ones” (the only couple in our group of friends to be married or even close to marriage) I allowed that to get in the way of the friendships that meant so much to me.

Those two phases were amazing periods that gave me many life lessons. As I got into my 20s I began to form deeper relationships with some amazing people. I learned from the past that I needed to make the investment in the lives of my friends if they really meant so much to me, and realized that they would do the same. I also found that although the deep friendships are fewer in number, there is an amazing gift in each one. When I see friends from my past, I am reminded of the good times, and feel as if things just pick back up. I am thankful for this and realize that at this time in life, those who are not as close still have a place in my heart.

I am truly sorry to those of you who did not receive the unfailing friendship you deserved as I was figuring out “life”. I have always wished to tell you that; and that I am so excited still at every accomplishment and every life event that happens in your world. To my current besties- I am so thankful that you have stuck it out during my lowest points and have invested in me! I am truly one blessed girl to have the love of so many throughout my life and the memories that will be and are forever there.

-Here’s to the next phase in life. I love you all (more than you really know)!!!

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