Sunday, February 10, 2013


Sinning. The definition of sin is “a transgression of a religious or moral law”. 

Sin is something that I still battle with, as with all of humanity, but feel that it is a battle of the mind for me. There are different levels that I feel I struggle with understanding, as it pertains to the actions, confession, and cycle of sin. Is it possible to not sin? I have heard some people say that it should be possible not to sin because most sins are because of personal choices and if we make the choice to do right and deepen our relationship with God, why would we have to sin

I have to admit, they had me thinking with that. Part of the reason I think it kind of threw me for a loop is that I never truly appreciated and understood the title of “a man after God’s own heart” that King David, in the Bible, was given. How could someone who was so blessed, so favored, and so loved, openly choose to do terrible things that he knew wasn’t the will of God? It was at that moment that the realization hit me- I am a David. As much as I wanted to hate David because he had the ability to be such an amazing Godly leader but yet made numerous bad choices, I couldn’t. I realized I was looking at myself. Even though I know that I am blessed, favored, and loved by my God, I still choose to do things that are not the will of God. “Why?” is still a part of the mind-boggling aspect of sin for me. There are just times when I unintentionally hurt the heart of my Savior by using excuses like “living”, “taking a break”, and “no big deal”. Do I plan on these things? No. But seems that I should always be able to know the difference. As I thought through it I realized that as a human it is almost impossible to never sin. In spite of this, Jesus loves me all the same! 

As Lamentations 3:22-23 states “His mercies are new every morning”. I am so thankful that I am loved and forgiven no matter what - that, even though I can’t understand it, I am offered forgiveness and grace, just because I am a child of His. I never want to take advantage of His grace, and so I want to try everyday to be in His word and His will, in order to better serve and honor Him. 

In closing I just want to share the following quote because it is oh-so-true. The last thing we should be doing is judging others- because there is no perfect person. 
Grace and love speaks louder than gossip and condemnation. 
Don’t you agree?

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