Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Missing the Kissing ;-)

There are many things about marriage I miss. There are the obvious things like having the companionship of another person, and the foundation to build a life. There is also the knowing that there is someone who will always be on “your team” and by your side. But there is something else I miss, that is a little embarrassing to admit. This would be –kissing- !!!!

Yes, I a “good Christian girl”.....the kissing topic can be a little fuzzy. It is important to understand that I am used to kissing and being kissed by my ex for nine years, and this is a “normal” act for many couples. I think, as with anything, keeping things under control are important, but the kiss of love is something that I long for and can’t wait to eventually get again....and for the rest of my life.

Ok, so now that everyone is completely either grossed out or intrigued, I will leave you with this. Isn’t it amazing that God allows the little things to mean so much, and how when, with the right person, life can feel so complete?!?! If you have a love in your life, be thankful and appreciate the small things. If you are single, never forget that the best is still yet to come and God has that person out there for us, but for now we should seek HIM

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