Sunday, October 18, 2015

Trusting My True Love

Since the last time I have written, I’ve had random ideas to share, and yet, I have not stopped to type any of them up! So, with much to bring, and little to write, I am going to take a moment to just be.

Over the past several weeks, I have been truly repairing my heart and redirecting my focus and direction in life. There are so many details that I could go into, but I will say just a few things.

I have dealt with feelings of heartbreak, sadness, questioning, rejuvenation, rebuilding, acceptance, guilt, disappointment with myself, and a renewed hope. I’ve dove into the love and inspiration that can only be found in Christ; and I have realized that I will never be able to trust a future, or a love if I can’t first take the step and trust my Savior- like really trust Him as I fall deeper and deeper into His loving arms.

As I battle through forgiving myself for putting my heart in places that has resulted in my own pain and condemnation, I know that all can be made whole and that every day, I have a new opportunity to choose joy, purity and grace. This trust thing is definitely a one-day-at-a-time lesson.

Good things are happening! In the easy moments and the difficult, I am thankful. I’m thankful for the love of my family, my community, my ever-supportive friends, and my Savior.

Have you ever felt any of these feelings before? What were some of the ways you were able to work through, snap out of it, or fight against? I hope that love is something that you are able to take full advantage of.

Learning in living,


  1. I always love reading your writings. Hope you can write more and more. I love

  2. hey where have you been hope you start writing again :)

  3. Yes, PLEASE write more. They are so encouraging. Mom.
