Sunday, August 30, 2015

Weekend Warring

This weekend has been a weird one. I’ve had so many emotions, and moments; and it has rained ALL weekend! I spent a lot of time sleeping, and other time preoccupying myself with movies and online browsing. I know it seems ridiculous. I would have normally spent most of the weekend with the man I just ended a relationship with. I have tried to turn my brain off and not think of all the good, and all the boxes that were checked. But, I also had to try to make myself see all of the things that the rose colored glasses didn’t allow me to see previously. I have read numerous articles and opinion pieces on dating a non-Christian, as well as sought counsel to try to gain perspective and some confirmation on my decision. I have to stand firm on the faith that if we are suppose to be together in the future, and this split was a mistake, then God will make it happen again in His perfect timing. I also have to believe that as “perfect” as I thought this relationship could have been, if it was not what God has for me, then there is a future bond that I can’t even begin to imagine and a story I couldn’t create in my wildest dreams. SO STINKING MAD that I had to give up a perfectly great guy, but I’m having to do this because I must go with my convictions, and the intuition that we weren’t meant to be together.

Here are a few bits of inspiration that I have found to be encouraging:


  “No matter how deeply and faithfully you love the wrong person; it will always leave you unfulfilled. It is perfect love which casts out all fear and doubt." 
should have recognized that all of my relationship insecurities and fears were there because it wasn’t the perfect love I was supposed to be involved in. No matter what he did, or how much we talked, there were still insecurities on my end, and I think a slow blocking me out on his.

For those of you who have reached out to me- I am so appreciative. I am thankful to have concerned and loving people like you in my life to try to help make things seem a little brighter. I wasn’t extremely social this weekend, but I will take you up on those offers to hang out soon. I am also so grateful for the prayers. I feel that I am at a pivotal point in my life and within my choices and heart, so if I cross your mind, please definitely shoot up a prayer for me.

I can only hope that I am strong enough to continue in this molding of my heart and my life into that which I know Christ longs for me. I hope to write soon about the amazing experience I had in service this morning; how I was reassured by my Savior of His presence- even though I am far from deserving.

I know this is a space of release for me, but hopefully there’s something shared that can strike a cord for someone else. Wishing you all a great week!

- Sarah 

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