Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Mimicking the Waves

Yesterday was a rainy day here on the island. 
(It made for a great day off! I have recently gotten a part-time job doing something that I swore I would never do again; serving!! It’s crazy to me, but at the same time amazing money to get me started here, and a great way to meet new people!)

Anyways…….. the rainy weather made for a restful and productive day. It was last night, as the temperature began to drop some, that I heard the tree branches and palm leafs blow in the cool wind, that I thought I heard something. The sound that I heard was the sound of the ocean. The thing was though, that it wasn’t the waves rolling in and out, but a mimic of this sound portrayed by wet leaves and branches that were being gently tossed in the wind. It was so calming and nice to hear the “waves” from my bed and to know that this was something small that God probably designed for those rainy days when the sound of the waves couldn’t be appreciated as they should be. 

In writing this and thinking through these things, I was hit with something that calls me out; Something that calls out all Christ-followers.

On the “rainy days” of the world; in the “rainy days” of the lives of those around me; and in my own “rainy emotions”, what, and whom am I mimicking. Am I creating an appreciation or joy for anything?! When there is no appreciation for the everyday life as it should be and there is no “sunshine” in the lives of the myself or those I know, why not mimic peace, beauty, consistency, power, and love?! 

These are amazing things to think on and live on. I am so thankful for the sound of waves on a rainy day and I am so thankful that I have the opportunity to mimic the characteristics of my Savior for the benefit of others, and myself, just as He intended.

Think about it. - S

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