Sunday, October 18, 2015

Trusting My True Love

Since the last time I have written, I’ve had random ideas to share, and yet, I have not stopped to type any of them up! So, with much to bring, and little to write, I am going to take a moment to just be.

Over the past several weeks, I have been truly repairing my heart and redirecting my focus and direction in life. There are so many details that I could go into, but I will say just a few things.

I have dealt with feelings of heartbreak, sadness, questioning, rejuvenation, rebuilding, acceptance, guilt, disappointment with myself, and a renewed hope. I’ve dove into the love and inspiration that can only be found in Christ; and I have realized that I will never be able to trust a future, or a love if I can’t first take the step and trust my Savior- like really trust Him as I fall deeper and deeper into His loving arms.

As I battle through forgiving myself for putting my heart in places that has resulted in my own pain and condemnation, I know that all can be made whole and that every day, I have a new opportunity to choose joy, purity and grace. This trust thing is definitely a one-day-at-a-time lesson.

Good things are happening! In the easy moments and the difficult, I am thankful. I’m thankful for the love of my family, my community, my ever-supportive friends, and my Savior.

Have you ever felt any of these feelings before? What were some of the ways you were able to work through, snap out of it, or fight against? I hope that love is something that you are able to take full advantage of.

Learning in living,

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Weekend Warring

This weekend has been a weird one. I’ve had so many emotions, and moments; and it has rained ALL weekend! I spent a lot of time sleeping, and other time preoccupying myself with movies and online browsing. I know it seems ridiculous. I would have normally spent most of the weekend with the man I just ended a relationship with. I have tried to turn my brain off and not think of all the good, and all the boxes that were checked. But, I also had to try to make myself see all of the things that the rose colored glasses didn’t allow me to see previously. I have read numerous articles and opinion pieces on dating a non-Christian, as well as sought counsel to try to gain perspective and some confirmation on my decision. I have to stand firm on the faith that if we are suppose to be together in the future, and this split was a mistake, then God will make it happen again in His perfect timing. I also have to believe that as “perfect” as I thought this relationship could have been, if it was not what God has for me, then there is a future bond that I can’t even begin to imagine and a story I couldn’t create in my wildest dreams. SO STINKING MAD that I had to give up a perfectly great guy, but I’m having to do this because I must go with my convictions, and the intuition that we weren’t meant to be together.

Here are a few bits of inspiration that I have found to be encouraging:


  “No matter how deeply and faithfully you love the wrong person; it will always leave you unfulfilled. It is perfect love which casts out all fear and doubt." 
should have recognized that all of my relationship insecurities and fears were there because it wasn’t the perfect love I was supposed to be involved in. No matter what he did, or how much we talked, there were still insecurities on my end, and I think a slow blocking me out on his.

For those of you who have reached out to me- I am so appreciative. I am thankful to have concerned and loving people like you in my life to try to help make things seem a little brighter. I wasn’t extremely social this weekend, but I will take you up on those offers to hang out soon. I am also so grateful for the prayers. I feel that I am at a pivotal point in my life and within my choices and heart, so if I cross your mind, please definitely shoot up a prayer for me.

I can only hope that I am strong enough to continue in this molding of my heart and my life into that which I know Christ longs for me. I hope to write soon about the amazing experience I had in service this morning; how I was reassured by my Savior of His presence- even though I am far from deserving.

I know this is a space of release for me, but hopefully there’s something shared that can strike a cord for someone else. Wishing you all a great week!

- Sarah 

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Sticking with Intuition

I ushered a beautiful man out of my life this week. Difficult, sad, necessary, eye opening, and possibly regretful, are the words that come to mind at this moment. I use the word usher, because I find no other way to describe it.

For almost three months I have been captivated by a man who is unlike many I’ve met in the past. He’s tall, dark and handsome to a “T”; intelligent, dedicated to his country, loving, and reasonable far above his age;  So, of course you can see why the force was so strong.  :-) In this time with him I truly learned more about myself- my fears and my strong suites. It is in the way he saw me just as I was; even as a better version of me; but also recognized the weaknesses and the areas that made me vulnerable. It was both the good and the bad that caused several long discussions and lessons in learning to communicate. He, choosing to truly open up his heart to me, and I, choosing to try to silence the insecurities in order to accept all that the relationship offered.
The purpose behind my writing is to help me process my sadness in the ushering of this man out of my life. 

Last week, the cutie returned from an extended visit home. While away, we made the conscious effort to talk every night, and with that our emotions grew deeper and deeper for one another. I received an “I miss you babe” bouquet, we exchanged sweet texts, and pictures flowed during his time away. After picking him up from the airport, I was showered with kisses and meaningful gifts! Seeing each other was great, and as the perfect night was ending a conversation was brought up about taking the next step of boyfriend/girlfriend. My reaction was not what I was expecting. I wanted a commitment, I have longed for a guy to offer himself and his love to me and me only! Why was I feeling nervous?

This past weekend, we had a laid back time with many random conversations. Monday morning I woke up sick. Anxiety hit me. This also happened not long after beginning to talk. I knew in my heart what was going on. I was falling in love with a man, whom I wasn’t sure had his life on a similar foundation as I did. There had been many discussions of preferences, and pasts, and even talks of future and about faith. See, we weren’t sure where we fell with each other on the faith thing, but because of the other overwhelming feelings and care we had for each other, we had always just kind of accepted that we were open to whatever.

Well, Monday, I knew that I was falling in love with a man that I wasn’t sure I could ever be with. Conversations we had about a family, careers, kids, and trying times had all hit me and made me realize that our power source was not the same.  Although we were cute, had great times, grew, were open to our differences, had sincere moments of intimacy, and communicated artfully- there was a gut feeling that something was off. I knew I had to make a very tough decision.  I was giving my heart to a man who was giving me his in return, only to realize that we were never meant to hold each other’s in the first place. That night I shared my reservations and concerns, and so we agreed to see each other the next day after time to think.

As I sat at home devastated, I missed a call from my mom. I returned the call shortly after, and we got through a couple minutes of small talk until all of the sudden she asks me if anything was going on. On her way home from work, she said I was on her mind and she felt burdened for me; she said she began to cry and pray for me. Of course, I lost it. I was a wreck. I told her about the decision I knew I had to make, and how badly I didn’t really want to. During the conversation, the presence of the Lord fell, and as she said a prayer over me, I knew that things were going to be ok. I was going to be blessed for making a tough decision. I was so thankful for the opportunity to just cry to someone and be encouraged in the Lord. Well, as soon as that conversation ended, I received another call from a friend who wanted to make sure I wasn’t going to regret my decision. Talk about a roller coaster of emotions!!!! 

So here comes Tuesday. My wonderful boss ended up making a “Feel Better Bag” for me on lunch break when she realized what I was feeling. This thoughtful gift was full of uplifting, empowering, and funny quotes to remind me that it will all be ok. Tuesday night after work I met up with the beautiful man and we talked and we cried. Hearing his heart melted mine. It was like seeing each other and feeling the pain, made us want to make the pain end and so we talked about working on trying to see where faith and fears could go. The next morning, I woke up with the same anxious gut feeling. I messaged him, and he replied that he hadn’t been able to stop thinking about the things that had happened and the things that I originally brought up, and so we talked. He had also woke up that morning with the similar feeling I had. He said that the reservations I had would probably always be there; that Tuesday, we were just hurting, and that I was pushing to make it work because we just wanted the pain to stop. I knew he was right. The good was all I could think about, and again had tried to overlook my spiritual cautions that had been occurring the entire time. The rest of this week has been very difficult. I fell hard and fast, and so the thoughts of not texting and talking, and not going on planned weekend trips, and not kissing and cuddling, or just not having someone who made me feel special, has made me so sad.

In this sadness, I am having to choose to think on other things. What am I trying to say? How in the world did I think this was all a good idea? What am I thinking, letting a good man go? This is all a reminder to stay true to what I know I need and want in a future life partner. The reasons for ending a relationship that held potential, and because of the convictions of my heart, has made the process all the more serious. A spouse is one of the most important and integral choices in life. This person is who you make decisions with, get through the worst part of life together with, raise children with, and create a legacy with. As a Christian, I know the expectations that I must hold for my future spiritual leader and love. I want divine intervention my future relationship. I want to feel whole and open and loved without reserve. I have to believe that exists. I have to believe that God would not have me ending this unless He has a plan, and that He is trying to save me from even greater heartache when realizations would finally hit me. 

A relationship cannot be built on two different foundations and be expected to stand. I should have paid more attention to my gut, surface of anxiety, and God through this...He was just trying to save both of our hearts from the added pain that would come with more time and investment. Christ has our interest and desires in mind, and loves us both so very much. Walking away from a seemingly good thing with a care and respect for each other that we have, is a first for me, and possibly the reason I am having the sadness. But I am thankful for the fun had, the personal insight gained, and the ability to know love is possible. Thankfully, I have great friends, co-workers, and family that make each sad moment, seem a little less sad, and support my decision to stay true to myself. I now hope to grow closer to Christ, in order to lose myself in His will, and in that place, hopefully the love of my life will join in. ;-) 

Ushering a beautiful man out of my life this week has been one of the hardest things I have had to make myself do, but I know that in that ushering, two hearts are being protected from unnecessary pain. I will probably still cry a few more times, and have moments of questioning and missing him, but I want myself and this man to truly be happy for the rest of our lives, together or not. 

SO…..stick with that gut feeling. Don't doubt yourself. Listen to your spirit and intuition. It really will save a lot of heartache and sadness. We have to do what is right for ourselves, whether or not it makes sense to anyone else. 

Thanks for sticking with me on this long one. I appreciate the therapy session! Writing truly help me release things, and if you made it this long, you're an absolute trooper who I have to believe cares for me!!! haha

- Until next time, Sarah 

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Soft Reminders

 My last post was one that ended with a cry for prayers for a dear friend of mine. I have to report that things are looking up. We have talked through our feelings, and I have heard her heart for love and true happiness. I only want to love her and support her!! I’m trusting that she has taken the time for God’s blessing on her major decisions. That’s the peace that I have to have because I can’t lose her friendship! We’ve been through way too much!! I am so thankful for her!!

It is in moments that lack peace, and simple realizations, where I seem to be softly reminded of the true desires of my heart; of the people, actions, purpose, and fulfillment I know I long for. The side of me that loves to live for the moment, carries little stress, and tries not to worry too much about the what and where, I find that I might have slowly pulled myself away from the other side that fully allows me to feel like myself!

There are passions, joys, people, experiences, dreams, hopes, beautiful sandy sunsets, tears, sadness, friendships, fears, and pure love that make up the character and life of a person. I’ve not fully “felt” or “acknowledged” all of the aspects for a while.

The soft reminders are still coming, but the rejuvenation of the loves and hopes I have had make me take a more earnest look at things. I want to appreciate moments for the all that they are. There are so many who are dealing with sickness, loss, and despair, I want to be thankful for health, the ones that I still have with me, and hopefully be a light for those dealing.  I want to be someone who can be looked up to; a role model to those who are younger than me, or around me. I love having meaningful friendships, and do believe that friends are the family we find along the way! Making more of an effort to talk, text, face time, etc. with my friends makes my heart happy in the long run. I want to be in a school counseling position, or even a management position where I can use my people and leadership skills to the fullest and for the most benefit. I want to get back into serving through a local church. I remember the way I feel when I am at my absolute closest to my Savior; it’s when I am singing and leading others into worship. I know that is something I am supposed to be doing. I want to go on another mission trip in the near future, and sing silly songs, and share an undying love with others.

I know that I desire a partner in life, but more than that, a crazy, God-kind-of thing, kind of love. I’m silly enough to believe that love wins and that falling in love should be natural and easy. I hate the dating scene: unspoken rules, making sure not to act overly interested, mistaken interest, text times, falling too hard, the difficult planning!! Or even justifying why it’s ok to date, even though you know they are not the one..... Ughh! But, outside of that, I want “my person” and I to build a life, a family legacy; I want to adopt, as it has always been on my heart, and then I want to live every day enjoying the surrounding love. 

Oh, to be softly reminded of the things that truly makes my heart happy. The things that make me who I am and enjoy the every day. Don't forget about those passions still inside!!

And these are the random ramblings for the time being
~ Sarah 

Monday, March 30, 2015


Have you ever had one of those Mondays? The kind of Monday that is infamous for everything going wrong? The day tends to carry ridiculous emotions and an assumption that with each hour, it is surely as bad as today can get! Well, last Monday was one of those for me. It took me almost an entire week to get over the craziness. As I embark on a new Monday and a new week, I can finally release the oddly terrible Monday that I had last week.

Last Monday I woke up with the amazing reminder that I am woman! So, as Mother Nature can do, she decided to kick my butt! I hurried out of the house that morning, as there was an inaugural event to be held at work. As many workweeks begin, there are things from the weekend to catch up on. But little did I know that the one planned event, was far from “together”, and that attacks would be made on a co-worker bright and early.  Let’s just say that I felt so irritated and all things that could come up did; frustrations arose; and everyone needed a play-by-play!! It was not the week to disturb my chemical balancer! Lol! I absolutely only stayed until 5:00pm that day, as I was ready to unwind with a glass of wine and some of my favorite shows!

Little did I know, that not long after I arrived home, I would find out through a third party, that one of my best friends is possibly making one of the worst decisions of her life by committing to subject herself to a controlling and emotionally abusive relationship. A man that, as she promised me, she would make prove that he was truly a different person than the first 4 months of their relationship. A couple months are not a testament to someone’s character and personality. It is a facade and manipulation of emotional power. I absolutely broke down. I cried with devastation of the complete lack of seeing reality- realizing that the only hope is for things to get worse or for God to step in. It’s not a matter of liking a guy or not, but seeing the way that a friend is treated by that guy, determines one’s opinion. I cried because I know that if it was right, I would heard from her- We’re best friends!!!! Love is supposed to be amazing! An effortless feeling that doesn’t change who you are, but allows you to thrive even more into the person you are designed to be!!! If you’re reading this please, please pray for a positive movement.

I couldn’t shake it. I haven’t felt that low in a long time. The crazy workday, the cramps, and then the hurt feelings and heavy heart- I was then assured that I do, in fact, still have the ability to cry. And that’s what I did. All at once, my past scars ached, my future desires seemed impossible, friendships that meant so much hung in a balance, and I missed home; I missed the feeling of security; I missed being a married entrepreneur who was the strong one for all of my friends and family. It was at that moment that I felt the same defeat and helplessness that I had felt a few years prior, and I had nothing to do but let it out- Crumble before my Savior and trust that, as in the past, I would be picked up from the mess. With swollen eyes and burst blood vessels in my face, I couldn’t stay awake one more minute. I went to sleep and decided to once again, rely on my faith. The faith that my Jesus loves me, and my friend more than I can conceive, and just put my hope in that.

After a Monday like that, I decided that the remainder of the week was going to only be better- and thankfully, every day was a little less emotional, I felt a little less defeated and I continued to keep a “peace”. I also probably need to publicly apologize for anyone who might have fallen victim to my presence on that Monday :-) 

I am so thankful for the love that I have had the opportunity to experience in my past, the friends who are forever true, my siblings and my parents who have a sixth sense when it comes to each other, and for the covering that I know is there. I am thankful for the future love that I know I will eventually have the privilege of experiencing, the close friendships, and the joy that comes in the morning (Psalm 30). Are you singing that song in your head now?! It’s soo catchy and soo great!! Even in this emotional state, I will not be defeated. I will hold on to hope for an awakening for my friend, and trust that the desires of my heart are not forgotten J

Cheers to Monday! So glad that there is only one in each week! Haha!