Friday, March 29, 2013

~ Laughter ~

I am getting to experience one of the perks of still being in school and one of the perks of working in the education field- Spring Break. This week I have moved into a new place with my sister, decorated, shopped, spent time with friends and family, and now I am traveling. Although there are many things I could talk about in relation to all of this and what is going on in my world, I am going to wait. I am going to share a joy that I have found. This is the joy of laughter.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s not like I never have laughed- I love to laugh! I just can’t remember the last time I have experienced such a joy that genuine, happy, laughter brings until the past two months or so. It’s like I have found a new favorite thing to do! This makes me sound a little coocoo right now, I know, but there is nothing as liberating as truly having a feeling inside that creates a genuine laughter. I am able to laugh at myself, I am able to laugh with others, I am able to truly feel the enjoyment of conversations and jokes, and I am able to share this laughter with those around me. In years of not really feeling that laughter was a pure enjoyment, but only a reaction, I missed out on “good medicine” that so many talk about. (check out this link for info on the benefits of laughter:

 I think that when laughter is no longer a part of conversations, or giggles can’t be followed by texts; or when with friends its more about the “gloom and doom” of life, then there is definitely something missing. Try it. Release yourself from all that bogs you down- through prayer or meditation, and find your inner child-like joy of laughter. With it, I promise that you will be happier and you will enjoy life more. You will begin to see the small things that should truly be appreciated, and be able to love yourself and others deeper. I am usually a little more serious, but I just wanted to share a newfound joy that the Lord has, and is using to heal my heart. Have a great week everyone.....and don’t forget to laugh!!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

My "Type"

I had someone ask me a question this weekend that threw me for a loop. I have been asked this question only by my closest friends, and never from someone else. I was asked straight out what my type of guy would be? The ideal man for me-including appearance, characteristics, etc. I really didn’t know how to answer this. My first response was that I wasn’t quiet sure. They continued to press me to at least try to name some things, so I thought a little harder. The thing that came out next was just that I wanted someone who was nice. I want a guy who is nice; has a good personality and sense of humor; a guy that respects women and is a good Christian. Of course they pressed for more of the physical attributes, but then I had to let them know that although we all have preferences, there is no physical quality that could take the place of amazing character. Thankfully this conversation ended and led us to sharing more about some of our life and our stories about why we are where we are in life.

Although that particular conversation was over, I have to say that it made me think about what my “ideal”guy is. First off, I never thought I would have to think about what qualities I look for in a guy and the things that I am more attracted to than not, but here I am, again, but yet really for the first time. I do not necessarily believe that there is such thing as soul mates. If there are, I think they would be more apt to be ones’ best friends, as opposed to significant other. But, that is just a side note, and not one to distract from the point. It can be easy to find certain things, physical or characteristically, and even preferences, about someone that draws you to them. It may be that they are ruggedly handsome, or that they love the same style of music. Maybe it’s that you can talk and share, or maybe they are super fun. Maybe they have killer make you feel like a million bucks. All of these things might be great, but it isn’t just a few traits that make someone compatible with you.

Because of this conversation and because of I guess my own questioning, I have figured out my ideal guy. He is the guy that creates the ideal relationship. It’s that guy that wants to get to know me; has a sense of humor; loves family, friends, and my Savior. I want him to be able to lead me the way I know I need and love me like I’m the only girl in the world. Would it be nice if he looked like Channing Tatum? Well, it wouldn’t hurt my feelings, but I’m no superstar hottie either. Obviously I want to think my man is fine and want him to think the same, but I know that the true reason that we will be so into each other is because of what we know that person stands for, and stands on.

My type- is the guy who loves my dorky-ness; who laughs at my jokes; who loves to show his care for me; a guy who takes care of himself-physically, mentally, and spiritually; has good manners; has similar desires for what we want out of life; I would like for him to be good with his money; love to travel; appreciate the small things; wish for a family in the future; be supportive; passionate; hard-working; loving; kind; selfless; and I’m sure there are even more things that could come together to make this “ideal guy”, but only God knows who that special guy is that holds all of these qualities and more. I am thankful that I know what I am now looking for and stick to these things. This way when the time is right and the guy is right, I will know that God pieced that special man together- just for me. And that as I have been waiting on him- God has been re-creating me for him.