Saturday, April 25, 2015

Soft Reminders

 My last post was one that ended with a cry for prayers for a dear friend of mine. I have to report that things are looking up. We have talked through our feelings, and I have heard her heart for love and true happiness. I only want to love her and support her!! I’m trusting that she has taken the time for God’s blessing on her major decisions. That’s the peace that I have to have because I can’t lose her friendship! We’ve been through way too much!! I am so thankful for her!!

It is in moments that lack peace, and simple realizations, where I seem to be softly reminded of the true desires of my heart; of the people, actions, purpose, and fulfillment I know I long for. The side of me that loves to live for the moment, carries little stress, and tries not to worry too much about the what and where, I find that I might have slowly pulled myself away from the other side that fully allows me to feel like myself!

There are passions, joys, people, experiences, dreams, hopes, beautiful sandy sunsets, tears, sadness, friendships, fears, and pure love that make up the character and life of a person. I’ve not fully “felt” or “acknowledged” all of the aspects for a while.

The soft reminders are still coming, but the rejuvenation of the loves and hopes I have had make me take a more earnest look at things. I want to appreciate moments for the all that they are. There are so many who are dealing with sickness, loss, and despair, I want to be thankful for health, the ones that I still have with me, and hopefully be a light for those dealing.  I want to be someone who can be looked up to; a role model to those who are younger than me, or around me. I love having meaningful friendships, and do believe that friends are the family we find along the way! Making more of an effort to talk, text, face time, etc. with my friends makes my heart happy in the long run. I want to be in a school counseling position, or even a management position where I can use my people and leadership skills to the fullest and for the most benefit. I want to get back into serving through a local church. I remember the way I feel when I am at my absolute closest to my Savior; it’s when I am singing and leading others into worship. I know that is something I am supposed to be doing. I want to go on another mission trip in the near future, and sing silly songs, and share an undying love with others.

I know that I desire a partner in life, but more than that, a crazy, God-kind-of thing, kind of love. I’m silly enough to believe that love wins and that falling in love should be natural and easy. I hate the dating scene: unspoken rules, making sure not to act overly interested, mistaken interest, text times, falling too hard, the difficult planning!! Or even justifying why it’s ok to date, even though you know they are not the one..... Ughh! But, outside of that, I want “my person” and I to build a life, a family legacy; I want to adopt, as it has always been on my heart, and then I want to live every day enjoying the surrounding love. 

Oh, to be softly reminded of the things that truly makes my heart happy. The things that make me who I am and enjoy the every day. Don't forget about those passions still inside!!

And these are the random ramblings for the time being
~ Sarah