Friday, January 23, 2015

Set Before Me…..

 There are so many things I could share, and maybe I will be more open to do so sooner rather than later, but I will just give a bit of what’s on my mind.

The big news is that I am officially getting my own place as of February!!! I am so excited that I can hardly stand it!! It will be an adorable small spot close to the security of the local police station, in ears shot of the ocean, and in view of the lighthouse from my front yard. I am surprised by how fast it all came together, but it was all in perfect timing and small blessings have been following the decision ever since. I talked to my mom earlier this week and told her the news and that I was coming to get my stuff, and she pointed out how “real” it is now. That this isn’t just a girl with a carload or two of things who is checking out a new area- but that I am picking up all the earthly possessions I still have in TN and bringing them to GA. This seems so crazy, but yet so perfect!

I was also brought to another realization during all of these changes............this will be the first time in my life that I have lived by myself. Seems crazy to me!! I’m an independent girl who doesn’t even mind being alone at times, but yet this will be a first. As a kid, I lived with my parents, and then went to college with three other roommates. After my first year of college I got married and then after six years and a divorce, I moved back in with my parents for a few months until my sister and I decided to move in together. When I moved to Tybee I had four roommates initially, and now have one. I’m not sure I will know what to do!! Haha!! Even though I may have never "lived alone" I haven’t been without lonely nights, managing a home, managing a business, and many other independent this is just another thing to check off the list!!

I do need to admit that I have not been as faithful to my Savior as He has been to me lately. And it seems that even in spite of that, I feel something is happening; that there are plans being set before me that I have prayed for and I am unaware of, but yet, He is seeing to it that my world is all that it should be- if I will just follow. As far as men go, I haven’t dated since the end of November, and probably only did before that because I felt a sense of urgency or impatience in finding my “Boaz”, as my dad likes to say. I am now just at peace knowing that my God loves me like crazy and sees the desires of my heart, and in the perfect time, things will perfectly happen- just like how the last year has gone for me.

I am so thankful for this period in my life. I’m so thankful for new friends, old friends, and ones that I am just getting to know. I work with amazing people and have an adopted community that shows me love. My family is always supportive and forever loving. I am also so grateful to have my faith as the strength in my weakness.

Hope this finds every single one of you well and I'm sorry this one is soo lengthy!

Until next time, Sarah