Thursday, December 4, 2014

Woman in Progress

 With the hardships and joys of life, we live, learn, and continue on. I originally wrote this post in March of this year. It was on my mind then and I believe came out just the way it was supposed to. As I have dealt with judgment, or failing, or the stresses of life, I ran across this writing and realized how perfect it was for me; it is an encouragement- for such a time-again!!! It's a reminder of the journey that I am on and the forgiveness that I have been given for times when I was…..well…human. 

I have had the story of the woman at the well in my  I originally was taking it in a different direction, and still may do so in the future, but for now this is the way I feel that my Lover- my Savior is reaching me. I would like to share it in parts, as there is so much to be taken from this story found in John 4:1-30.

As seen in John, chapter 4, the story begins as Jesus asks a Samaritan woman to fetch Him some water from the well that they are both at. 

He is alone because the disciples are out getting food. She is
shocked that a Jewish male would ask anything of a Samaritan woman because in these times it was looked down upon for Jews to deal with Samaritans in any way. It is as this moment when He says that if she knew who He really was, she would be the one asking for living water. She questions Him on how “living” water from Him is better than the water was for Jacob.Jesus answers to her saying: 

“Whomever drinks of this water will thirst again, but whomever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.”

I am going to stop here. The first thing that caught my attention about this is that Jesus befriended and pursued the unlovely and unlikely heart of a Samaritan woman. He didn’t see her for who she was at that point, but for whom He knew she was created to be. He saw her through eyes of grace, mercy, and love. This amazes me!! It’s at this point that I see myself in that Samaritan woman. Going about life like normal with a knowledge of “the Father Jacob.....and his sons” and teachings that I was raised by, but yet not seeing the Savior right in front of me; The Christ who is asking for a little water and in return wanting to give me everlasting life.

What is this living water and everlasting life that Jesus shares with her?! I believe it to be the overwhelming love He has for her, as well as people in general. I think that God being love, it is the living water that He gives. Love covers a multitude of sins (I Peter 4:8). From there it is a grace, a peace, a mercy, a joy, a satisfaction, a kindness, and a source that never fails. Those who ask for this everlasting and life-giving “water” are then given such a contentment and satisfaction that the joy arises and the “water” flows throughout a person’s life; peace in every area; love to those they come in contact with. It is these things that then attract others to them; to Christ in them.
Why do I allow myself to just have the head knowledge without seeing what is right in front of me?! I haven’t accepted Christ’s love for me in so long, because I know that I haven’t always made Him proud. He wants me to be honest with Him, come to Him, and then accept what He has to give to me. He has asked for so little from me and He not only wants to give the gift of heaven, but of a living well from inside of me.

Love. Assurance. Peace. Hope. Faith. Mercy. Joy. Grace. Kindness. Freedom. Salvation.

With all of this...... this is my prayer. 

Lord help me to see with your eyes, feel with your heart, and love with your hands. Please forgive me for relying on my head knowledge and not seeing You in all the places you have shown me. I want the living water that only you can give, as I know that it keeps me from wanting any longer. I want to be quenched by You and You alone. Thank you for seeing me, not as the world may, but as who You know You created me to be. This is the true everlasting life that I ever hope for. Knowing that in You I am whole. In You I find acceptance and grace. Please continue to do the work you have begun in my life. I know I will probably fail from time to time, but I refuse to be conformed to that failure.  I take your ‘living water’ and ask for your plan. Thank you for loving me at times I am unlovely.

Your humbled daughter, Sarah