Thursday, July 31, 2014

Here I Am!!

As I have been told, and now realize, it has been a while since I have posted anything. I think there are a couple reasons that I haven’t. One has been that I have been pretty busy and then the second is that I haven’t felt inspiration to write.  Well, I have a moment of inspiration to write, for all of you who take the time to read, and this is where I will begin.

The recent past has been very busy for me. I made a week-long trip back home to TN. This trip was such a good chance to see loved ones, take care of a couple things, and I couldn’t help but visit MY It was this trip back home to TN that helped me make another important life decision. I made up my mind to stay in GA. When I got back from TN I had a second interview for a Director’s position, here at the YMCA, and was offered the job! So, of course I accepted and am settling into the fact that this will be my new home for the near future.  I am so excited about this and can’t wait to fully immerse myself more and more into the Y and the Savannah cultures.

It’s hard to believe that the summer is almost over and before we know it, another year will have passed. I am absolutely amazed at how life has turned out so far and continue to try to seek the best for whatever may be ahead. I’ve made some questionable choices, but I’ve also made some really good ones. I can only hope that I keep learning and loving through this life I’m given.

Finally, I will close out with girly stuff….. The inspiration to write was one of frustration and almost sadness. A wondering of why some things are the way they are, or why I seem to be the girl who helps guys work through some issues in order to find their perfect happy? Marriage ends and a year later he goes through recovery. First serious relationship after divorce, and it becomes perfect timing after having moved closer, for him and a past girlfriend to truly be together now that they are closer and available.  My last serous relationship was with a man that I thought was my knight in shining armor. The relationship and the connection, the conversations, and the passion for life were all there. The fact was that this knight was possibly only separated from his wife, had two children, and really did end up listening to me about figuring things out in order to be with his babies or find a way to live. You can guess what happened. He decides to go to therapy with his ex and they seem to be renewed. Yes, this is my love life. Right now I am in a phase of wanting someone really close and serious, but just not sure I’m finding it. I go on dates occasionally, but kind of over it in a way. Can't wait to be the last girl in some guys' life!!!!!So that’s that! Haha!

So here I am, about to start a new career and I plan on pouring my heart into everything I do there and become the best at it. I also am excited about singing with a chorus and playing volleyball in a local league. My future is in the palm of the hand who created me, and I can sleep at night knowing that to be true. As always, shout out a prayer for me if I ever cross your mind, just as I will do the same for you. I hope you all have an amazing weekend, as I plan on sitting on the beach!!!

- Until next time, Sarah