Monday, June 2, 2014

During this…...

I woke up Thursday feeling sick with a sore throat and achy ears. I had been trying to fight off the seasonal sinus junk with Vitamin C and water, but needed medical intervention (awesome By the way, did you guys know that a “Sinus Cocktail Shot” is a mid-south thing?! The nurse and doctor thought I was crazy! Be thankful!!!
So I scheduled to go to the doctor and got both of my jobs notified. That morning also came with news from a loved one that was both happy and extremely sad.

My last post discussed a possible future with a special guy only if things were worked through. I asked for closure or resolution- and closure I was given. That final knowing that heartbreak is upon you......... even knowing I’m ready and needing to move on, is still something that weighs the heart. I had been working on emotional detachment and hadn’t been in contact for weeks and weeks, so it was a bittersweet day.  

After spending the morning resting and dealing with those emotions, I got ready, went to the doctor, got my shots, and decided on some retail therapy. When in doubt- shopping usually helps!! I made a leisurely trip to the mall to shop for a few needs, and even a few “wants”.  After the ride back home jamming out to the radio (one of my favorite things to do!! I know a little dorky), I had dinner in and a night of reflection.

Earlier in the day, as I was texting my sister, one of my best friends, and my mom, I was encouraged, loved, and energized. Reminded of the relationship I deserve; reminded of the pain I may be by-passing; and reminded that there is a plan for my future, but also my single life.  As shared, I have a desire to ultimately be married. I think marriage is indeed one of the greatest gifts that we humans can be given, if appreciated correctly. And although I feel this way, I do not want to marry just anyone or rush into things for the sake of it. I want it to be right. Passionate. Full. Loving. I want my friendships and relationships to be no more and no less than they should be. I want to love myself, even in those times I fail myself by feeling lonely. I need to remember that God does have a plan for me in this time of singlehood. He has a plan for my future and the man that will be the God-formed partner in this life journey.

I want to share the last text message that my mom sent me. In the past, my mom and I have never been really close, but the past two years, we have really become more than we have ever been. I am so thankful for her wise words, her love, and reflection of Christ that she lives for so many to see. Her wisdom of not putting my emotions of love, etc. away is probably my favorite part, on. This is something personal to me, but something that I think could speak to someone else too.

Right now, I am hoping to try to look at my single life in a different light. I’m so ready for new things, confirmations, and yes, ultimately meeting an amazing man. Who knows........could be anytime.....but until then, I am thankful that I have the love and support of friends and family. I have personality traits that make me that independent, head-strong Sarah that I have always been, and I have my education, a roof over my head, and a vehicle to drive.  I am living in a new place, meeting new people, and experiencing great new things!!! Why should I worry?! I am reminded of the song “Titanium” from a couple years back that my sister told me was the song she thought of about me. I’ll take it! So many things we all go through, and so many things we will continue to go through.

Hi. I’m Sarah. Divorced. Single. Christian. Graduate degree. 27 years old. Full of life. Independent. First-born. Low-Maintenance. My friends and family are very important to me. Love to sing, paint, travel, and try new restaurants. I love music. Can sometimes stink at making decisions. Impatient. Not easily stressed. Drama-free. Looking for real. Appreciates gentlemen. Believes there are such things as “fairy tales”. Can’t wait. Choosing to find my purpose in singlehood. Nice to meet you.

A small blurb for someone’s life is ridiculous and yet refreshing, all at the same time. Think about it. What would yours say? Are you fulfilling your purpose for the season of your life you are in? 

Thanks for letting me share and for just letting me be me.

- S