Monday, February 3, 2014

Love Story....Anytime Now.....!

Why must there be this desire to have that significant other in our lives?
 I know that many may feel like sharing, or may be thinking that I should just be patient and be encouraged. That I should remember that the Lord will bring the right person at the right time and that I should enjoy being “single” and unmarried; I get it.  I understand all of this, but I am so annoyed that I desire to be loved and protected. I’m sick of craving the feeling of being held and kissed. The fact that I feel like God created me to be a partner, and that when I am, I am actually a better servant, makes be so mad. I want to be a wife to a man that loves God, me, and our family. I have Christ, family, and friends in my life, and I feel that I am sooo ready to have my knight in shining armour take me and want to conquer life together, that sometimes it drives me 
I know that I am a princess in the eyes of my Lord. I also know in the deepest part of my being, that He has the most amazing future planned out for me, but I am feeling somewhat stumped as to what is going on. I know that every love story has it’s ups and downs. I am encouraged hearing love stories of others and what they went through to finally get to each other. One of those stories is that of my parents. I’m sure they won’t mind me sharing a summary.....
Girl meets guy when he comes to evangelize at her church. She is in a negative and abusive relationship, and so presents herself as single to this fine young evangelist. He is older than her (she-17, and he 24), but it was like the first time they met, they knew. They knew that their meeting was no coincidence. He was living in Sevierville, TN (east TN) and she was finishing high school in West TN. They wrote. She was still with the emotionally abusive boyfriend, because she felt stuck. This young evangelist and her spoke on the phone. At one point he said if you want to marry me, let’s do it quickly (meaning courthouse) and we will go evangelize from there. She firmly says no because she is going to have the wedding of her dreams. So, wanting what he wants, says to have a good life. She, in shock, goes about life and is ultimately engaged to a cheating and less-than-God’s best. Then, believe it or not, the young evangelist calls and they decide that they want to be together and he moves to West TN. My dad goes and addresses the situation of the other guy and frees my mom from the bondage of hurt and being taken advantage of. They truly get to go out on a date and spend some time together before they get engaged. A short time later, the wedding that my mom always wanted was with the man she always wanted; the man that she knew God had placed in her life; her partner; God knew what they both needed after the past relationships and situations they had been in. Taking the leap and the step to accept Christ’s calling together. I am so thankful that even though things seemed unfavorable or like they weren’t going to work out, that my parents found love.
Because of their love, so many other things have been brought about, seen, created, and shared with family, friends, ministry, and the world. So far 32 years, and going. This is what I crave. It’s almost like I have a love/hate feeling with the pursuit of my partner. But, here I am Lord, please just bring to light the relationship and the man that I will be loving every day for the rest of my life.
– Amen