Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve Thoughts

Today is the eve of the day that we celebrate the birth of our Savior. It is also the day after my birthday. I love this time of year for so many reasons.
~The warmth of scarves and boots~
~Christmas parties and caroling~
~Steamy drinks; the feeling of coziness~
~New and old family traditions; possibilities of snow~
~Special times of birthday celebrations~
~Lights on the tree being the only ones on in the house~
~Picking out heart-felt gifts for loved ones and church plays and pageants~
~Good food  and long talks with friends~
I am now, the ripe age of 27. It feels decently the same, but saying it makes me feel significantly older. J The past year has been one that has given me many lessons, friends, memories, and goals. I am thankful to have made it to another birthday with all of my family and friends in my life. These people provide me with so much love, support, and encouragement.
Although this Christmas is different in many ways and for many reasons, it has been one of the happiest Christmases I have had in many years. A minimalist celebration of Christ, family, love, and friends has created a holiday season that reminds me of the good and of the purpose. I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas filled with all the things that really create true happiness.