Sunday, August 11, 2013

Dreams of Love

I had several dreams last night. As with the fascinating dream world, the places were unfamiliar, and the people were unfamiliar, but the feelings and emotions were astounding.

Although there were several parts, or scenes to my dreams, the one theme and over-riding dreaming was that of love. I was in deep, romantic, affectionate, understanding, playful, and honest love. This feeling was so amazing!! It wasn’t only the “being loved”, but it was that I was fully loving someone else with no precautions or hesitations. That, in and of itself, was a freeing feeling!!

So after waking and realizing it was a dream, I tried to go back to sleep to pick back up on the dream! Lol!! Sad, I know, but that feeling is something I have only experienced for short periods of time on earth from a significant other, and the first time in this intensity in a dream. I think it made me remember what the overall prize is; what my God wants for me, and to remember to never settle on short-lived, masked happiness, but to seek after truth- real happiness.

I hope that there are many of you who have this already! That person who is the partner God paired you with for life’s ups and downs; a love second only to that of Christ’s. For the rest of us, patiently working on ourselves until the right person and the right time, we can rest in the peace that an amazing, freeing love from a partner is available, but we must first learn to love like crazy, our God.

These examples of love are what we can all only hope to experience while on earth. 

Love and be loved,