Monday, April 1, 2013

A Place to Call My Own

So, being “grown” has many perks and benefits to it. One of those perks is a place of your own. The first time we all experience this is if we have our own room growing up. I remember trying my hardest to make sure my room spoke to me but also told who I was. It’s that first taste of “my place” that later truly becomes reality. My first year in college was my first time to be out of my parents’ house, and I shared a dorm with three other girls. This was again, another time to personalize my world, and have that sense of “this is mine to do with what I please”, and all of the independence that comes along with that.
After my freshman year of college I got married and we bought a house. This was sooo exciting for me. To know that the effort put into it would be such a reward because it was “our place”. We could have that newfound freedom to create the lifestyle, the structure, the atmosphere that we wanted in our home and in our life together. Well now divorced, I found myself back at my parents’ -7 years after I moved out the first time. This was perfect because it allowed me a place to stay, opportunity to save money, and the continued support, love, and companionship from my family that I needed during the grieving phase of my divorce.

Well, the last week of March, 2013, my sister and I moved out “on our own” (again). I loved the time I had at my mom and dad’s, but it was time for the next step to my new life. Having a place that I can call mine, is just what was needed. It has been a blast so far! The house is so tiny, but it’s cozy and just enough for us girls. Things have been hung on the walls, bedrooms put together, first loads of laundry complete, with those last random items found around the kitchen and living room, waiting to be finished or put away. 
So here I am with my second chance and making this move on my own is something I am so excited about. We have already had a leak, and found out our dryer is messed up, but that is just a part of it. Don’t forget to appreciate every step and moment of life- it will never return.